New Australian Quantum Computing Venture Takes on Global Market

Two Australian quantum tech companies have teamed up to help accelerate the commercial adoption of quantum computing, delivering greater capabilities to the worldwide market from our own backyard.
The partnership sees Q-CTRL, a global developer of quantum control infrastructure software, and Diraq, innovators in Silicon-based quantum computing, working to deliver three multi-million-dollar international projects aimed at boosting Australia’s role in the global quantum technology industry.
Two projects will come from the New South Wales Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer’s Quantum Computing Commercialisation Fund, with the third via the United States’ Army Research Office.
Diraq will develop and provide access to its Silicon-based quantum computing hardware, while Q-CTRL will build and integrate its quantum infrastructure software solutions.
“It’s exciting to see Australia’s two leading quantum computing companies collaborating to deliver true sovereign capability in one of the most profound technical fields of the century,” said Q-CTRL Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Michael Biercuk a statement.
The partnership comes at a time of big growth for the country’s sector, with the launch of the Australian Government’s National Quantum Strategy back in May.
Read the full media statement relating to the partnership via the Q-CTRL website.