Metro North Health is well placed to contribute to further advances in medical bionics aligned to trauma management, bionic implants, rehabilitation technologies and device breakthroughs.
With a reputation for having one of Australia’s most renowned and respected medical teams, Jamieson Trauma Institute has been established to revolutionise and advance trauma care across Queensland and Australia more broadly. The Institute has a unique suite of service partners, striving to advance trauma prevention, research, systems, and clinical management, with the overall aim of delivering the best possible care to people suffering traumatic injuries, whether they are treated at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, or other trauma centres.
The film Future Journey of a Trauma Patient produced by QUT for the Jamieson Trauma Institute at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) shows all the challenges that unfold from the time an accident happens right through the process of treatment, recovery and communication with the patient and their family.
The film underlines the changes we can expect to see in health technologies (including bionic innovations) looking ten years ahead. Biofabrication of devices and bionic implants can be expected to play a key role in the future treatment and rehabilitation of trauma patients in Queensland’s leading hospitals.
The Herston Biofabrication Institute based at the RBWH is the first institute of its kind – advancing knowledge and technology in 3D scanning, 3D modelling and 3D printing of medical devices, bone, cartilage and human tissue. Opened in 2020, the Institute is transforming how healthcare is provided by developing innovative and automated treatments.
The RBWH’s Rehabilitation Engineering Centre works to improve the quality of life of Queenslanders with disabilities. It achieves this goal through: identifying technology requirements of people with complex equipment needs, the design and manufacture of custom solutions and provision of independent advice on rehabilitation technologies and related research.
Learn more about research at Metro North Health