The University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) is advancing medical, science and engineering knowledge in areas that will directly inform future innovations in medical bionics.
Clinical treatments, biomedical devices and bio-inspired solutions are in focus in a number of research and teaching programs.
Opportunities exist to explore the future of human bionics through the lens of medicine, electrical engineering, microbiology, the Internet of Things (IOT), wearable device technologies and more.
Coursework dedicated to wearables explores the limitations, strengths, usability, user interface design and user experience of IoT and wearable devices along with data logging, user behavioural tracking and cloud technologies plus ethical considerations in mobile sensing and recording.
Other research underway at USC in synthetic biology, tissue engineering, and biosensors is also complementary to breakthroughs in medical bionics. Innovations in biofabricated implants and devices are the key to a successful interface between human bionics and regenerative medicine.
Learn more about USC Research Programs